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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Wing Commander II System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-06-01 02:52:12 Views : 23042 Cheats: Method 1 Type wc Origin -k and you will be invincible and can use alt+del to kill anyone in your target sights ALT-O blows up parts of the cockpit (looks cool) ALT-INS destroys wing of ships (not capital ships) Method 2 Command line parameters: WC Origin s# m* w# -k l Case and order are critical in the command line parameters. SM2 has the same command line as WC. SO1 and SO2 have the same command line as WC2. The parameters work as follows: Origin - Playtest mode with the Finger of God Activates the other command line parameters. Press ALT-DEL and the targeted ship explodes Press ALT-INS and ALL non-capital enemy ships on radar explode (WC2/SO1/SO2 only) Press ALT-Z and your ship explodes Press ALT-M to toggle display of memory usage Press I to toggle display of current intelligence factor s# - Select specific series (e.g. s8) m* - Select specific mission (e.g. md) w# - Preview cinematic sequence (e.g. w3), scene numbers range from 1 to 22. Mission specific scenes require that s# m* also be specified. (WC/SM2 only) -k - Unlimited shields l - Single mission, no copy-protection question (WC/SM2 only). Example: wc2 Origin s8 md -k Starts Wing Commander II and loads System 8, Mission D (K'tithrak Mang) and provides unlimited shields. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Wing Commander II cheat codes.
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